VYM focuses on high-dividend yield stocks, while VOO tracks the S&P 500 index, which includes 500 large-cap U. 03% vs. Vadzim Kushniarou/iStock via Getty Images. International may have higher returns than all of these you listed. Overall, VOO has provided higher returns than VYM over the past ten years. You would notice that SPY and IVV ‘s top holdings are more. The high dividend yield sounds good in theory and the price point seems more accessible to me. 85%. 80%, with a median of 11. MGK vs VOO. VIG vs. VIG Performance. 91% vs 10. The year-to-date returns for both stocks are quite close, with SCHX having a 19. 97% 5 year CAGR: VIG. MGK has a higher expense ratio than VOO (0. Below is the comparison between MGK and VOO. There is also a minimum investment for VTSAX of $3,000. 1% to 84. 61% return, which is significantly lower than VOO's 19. Blackrock’s DGRO 1-year performance is 23. VDADX has a higher 5-year return than VYM (11. As such, VT can be considered more diversified than VTI. SPHD –. In the last 5 years, VOOG had a higher annual return than VOO (21. 78%). 55% annualized return. You’ll likely. This indicates that VOO experiences smaller price fluctuations and is considered to be less risky than VYM based on this measure. 一番の違いは、eMAXIS slim S&P500は分配金が出ないのに対し、VOOやVYMは分配金が出る点です。. Again I want SCHD to beat VOO but long term, who. 03%). VOO tracks the S&P 500 Index. 21% of IVV’s total net assets. : IYR vs. What both VTI and VOO excel at. This index was. FZROX and VTSAX Differences. The 11 Best Dividend ETFs. 81%). 20% to a whopping 151. 548 million would provide $50,000 in income at that yield). VOO vs. 19%. qqq; voo; schd; spy; Top News. You always see a lot of the vanguard funds being talked about being being VOO or VTI. 5 trillion in assets, and. VOO vs. —. For example, if I own a fund like VOO for the S&P 500 and I think it's going to be relatively flat for the next 30 days or so, I might sell a call option on it, for which I receive cash immediately. This means that VOO is generally considered to be the more cost-effective option. 02%. Treasury Bond ETF. 06%). VYM and SCHD are two of the most popular dividend ETFs. 7% of the holdings. companies selected by an S&P committee. VYM also lagged the S&P, while VIG beat it and had a higher Sharpe ratio, better max drawdown and Worst Year figures, and less. 06% vs 0. Also, when it comes to the last 10 years, VOO had a higher annual return than VOOG (17. VOO - Performance Comparison. The S&P 500 is considered the best single gauge of large-cap companies — approximately 500 companies at any given time. VYM seeks to track the performance of the FTSE High Dividend Yield Index, which measures the investment return of common stocks of companies characterized by high dividend yields. The top 500 companies are the same in both indexes. qqq; voo; schd; spy; Top News. VYM vs. 08% return. Below is the comparison between MGK and VOO. But this ETF has struggled more than the others over the last year as it’s down 7. Meanwhile I shorted semiconductors, Tesla, and other tech and was up 32%. SPY: How Each One Works. 40%, while VOO has yielded a comparatively higher 12. VDOM DHTML tml>. It tracks the. Bank of America Corp. This ETF tracks the S&P 500 Index, one of the most famous benchmarks in the world and one that tracks some of America’s largest companies. 06%. 08%). 26%, while VOO has returned 12. 3x forward earnings, significantly less than the 29. (2) Vanguard’s High Dividend Yield (VYM): Invests into stocks with higher than average dividend yields. MGK has a higher 5-year return than VOO (14. 52% vs 11. The expense ratio is 0. The dividend yield. VOO Vs. DGRO 1 Year Total Return Compared to VDIGX, VYM, and S&P 500 As we can see both the Dividend Growth focused investments have outperformed the Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF ( VYM ), very. SCHD leaning heavier into the technology sector explains why it has outperformed VYM over the last 10 years. 62%. VIG’s top holdings a lot more growth oriented than dividends. VOO vs. These estimates are determined only at the fund level—not for each share class. SCHD and SPHD are Large Value funds for US Stocks, so they are among the best dividend-paying ETFs you can find. Using VTI (total stock market) instead of VOO (S&P 500) would be perfectly fine, and at only 25% of the portfolio, the. 66% vs. Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF ( VYM 0. That means that SCHD will provide more dividends allowing you to have more income and overall performance with dividends reinvested. 38% return. It compares fees, performance, dividend yield, holdings, technical indicators, and many other metrics that help make better ETF investing decisions. Among the most popular dividend ETFs is the Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM 0. If you're young, time is on your side. Vanguard’s VYM had a $0. 62% with a div per share slightly higher at approx . Another key difference is their dividend yield. stock market. VOO is superior from an efficiency standpoint for a large cap allocation. 72% vs 7. Fund 1. VIG vs. SCHD's slightly higher yield is due to the fund focusing on a smaller number of stocks. 38 and VOO's Price/cash Flow ratio was 14. 89%). These yields are pretty similar. Very good article. 06% vs 0. VYM may be a better option for investors seeking regular income from dividends, while VOO may be a better option for those seeking broad exposure to the U. 28 Billion in assets under management, while VOO has 519 Billion . Year-to-date estimates. Can someone explain? #invest. VT also tracks the FTSE. The Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index (VYM) also pays 3. 79% annualized return. VOO vs. Together with FinMasters. DGRO has a beta of 0. Since SCHD inception, it's lagged VOO in total return, only taking the lead in September of this year. entered into an extended period of sub 1% interest rates. It makes sense that VIG has a higher dividend yield (1. VOO Differences Explained: VYM and VOO are two popular exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest in US stocks. This may give the appearance. Both SCHD and DGRO are ETFs. FindAWayForward • 1 yr. VYM. VTI tracks the CRSP US Total Market Index. 89%). You can add the this pie to your portfolio on M1 Finance by clicking this link and then clicking “Save to my account. VYM – Comparing Vanguard’s 2 Popular Dividend ETF’s; The Best Vanguard Dividend Funds – 4 Popular ETFs; The 5 Best Tech ETFs;. VTSAX and FZROX primarily differ in that the FZROX fund is a Fidelity fund while VTSAX is a Vanguard fund. 03% in MER. Looking at both VIG and VYM. 76% plus the . VNQ. VUG – Vanguard Growth ETF. VOO has a lower expense ratio of 0. VOO tracks the S&P 500 Index, while VOOV tracks the value section of the S&P 500 Index. 01%) and the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF ( VOO 0. Over the past 10 years, VIG has underperformed VOO with an annualized return of 11. 7% or so. VYM - Performance Comparison. The table below compares many ETF metrics between SPHD and VYM. Selecting them means tilting toward dividend yield and dividend growth. 34% annualized return. SPLG vs VTI, VT, VOO. VTI: PerformanceSCHD currently yields 3. 03%, compared to VIG’s 0. 03%. S. The chart below displays the. In the year-to-date period, SCHD achieves a -0. All of these are excellent funds IMHO. VTV profile: Vanguard Index Funds - Vanguard Value ETF is an exchange traded. 09% expense ratio. The data and information contained herein is not intended to be investment or tax advice. VYM, by the way, is the larger ETF between the two. DIVO profile: Amplify ETF. SCHD is 19% technology, while VTI is 29%. 6%. Here's the first. As a direct opposite, Vanguard’s VOOG includes more growth stocks from the S&P 500. 44%. Fund Size Comparison. But top holdings. VIG vs. SPY is an index which tracks s&p 500, VYM is just as volatile as SPY is, without as large of a growth which is offset partially by higher dividends. 70c average. This ETF offers investors a convenient. VYMI's Total Return Since Inception vs. 6%) with nearly a decade in the books. VYM. Coca-Cola Co. VYM had an inception date of 11/10/2006, and shortly after, the U. VTI has 22.