rosaria mains. Kaeya: Kaeya’s decent Cryo application with his Burst lands him as a good choice for. rosaria mains

 Kaeya: Kaeya’s decent Cryo application with his Burst lands him as a good choice forrosaria mains  The crit rate from the catch isn't going to be added to stats and is an effective crit rate that applies on each attack of her burst

. We know from leaks that Rosaria attacks 7 times in 3. Here's how much EXP and Mora are needed between each ascension level: Level. Hello all! I've been putting together my phys Rosaria build over the past couple days, and am struggling to choose the weapon for her. If you want her all the time on the field, aka main dps, you can build her phys or cryo dmg dealer. . dragon bane would be preferable since rosaria ult would hit last (it hit every 2s so in case you use pyro during that time then potentially rosaria would be doing the melt and not diluc). Go with what you need and what you have good artifacts for. 15 comments. Add a Comment. It seems to be run by a mod (Its in the Megathread). Artifact Main and Substat Sums Sorted by Physical DMG Sorted by Total DMG. Rosaria, Shenhe, Kazuha (especially at C2), Bennet Rosaria, Xiangling, anemo flex, Bennet Rosaria, Xiangling, Shenhe, Bennet I also want to mention that some older versions of RM Rosaria team comps used Kaeya. Hourglass (Sands of time): curtain fall with ATK bonus (46,6%) If there is some crucial info missing, tell. Hope that helps. Mona Hu Tao Bennett Eula Zhongli Yoimiya To be honest those are my favorite ones to play with Rosaria I mainly use her In Eula team with Zhingli and Raiden Or my second team Hu Tao Mona Rosaria Bennett nuke set up with double crit rate sharing characters its crazy good its a freeze melt comp super fun and strong 35-200k hits constantlyHello hello again r/monamains, I'm back again to ask for some help since my last plan for my Mona wasn't going to have good results. ago. If anyone is experienced with setting up bots/roles for servers let me know. Posted: Apr 7, 2021 8:53 am Rosaria has been one of the much-awaited characters to join Genshin Impact’s roster. Jade is better for general, like is better only in Phys como. I've heard that melt increases her damage more but both my xiangling and bennett are level 60 and i don't really have good artifacts for them and if i'm. You get 60% free (base+BS-4pc+cryo resonance), PLUS +12% from her ascension passive which should be active like 85% of the time. Both are good. Ive kinda gotten bored of physical teams too but i still like rosaria so im happy that i can try to do elemental dmg and still use rosaria. After 89 Pulls i got Rosaria 89 PULLS!!! i even got Fking Childe c1 at 50/50 and 8x Barbara. RosariaMains • 6 min. . ago. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Rosaria holding a glass of wine (@linalal_) Vote. Hello Traveler! You know that our Queen is the best waifu. ago. Kaeya: Kaeya’s decent Cryo application with his Burst lands him as a good choice for. 0 coins. They should have added at least sucrose and either diona or xinyan to the shop this month. On the other hand, dragonspine spear is better if you plan to use her as sub dps. But in the case you don't have enough ER or have trouble recharging burst for ayaka, then you can go. RosariaMains • 6 min. WatonAnbuki • 1 yr. This is very handy for positioning. level 1 · 2 days ago. skyward pride (+12% atkspd) + chong’s frost layer (+8% atkspd) + rosaria c1 (+10% atkspd) = +30% atkspd rosaria shall have 4pc blizz the team is xingqiu, rosaria, chongyun, and maybe beidou xingqiu + rosaria = a lot of freezing = +40% crit rate rosaria + chong =. 2. With physical goblet + 2pc BS/PFlame, her phys. Table of contents Quick Links. ago. She's a character that fits a lot of team compositions, especially those that. 9 The Crescent Pike – Four Star. Build kujo sara with 4noblesse and energy recharge. Theorycrafting, guides, tools and helpful content for Genshin Impact by the well known KeqingMains community. The healer options among who I have built are Qiqi, barb, bennett and jean. 4pc pale really only works consistently on eula, in particular C1 eula. About Community. With Thrilling tales tou always need to swap to your dps. Mona and Diona will be on taunt/shield/heal duty. Published Apr 18, 2022 Rosaria is a sister in the Church of Favonius, but she often ruffles some feathers due to her rebelliousness. I don't own Raiden but the atk buff from Sara alone makes my Dragonspine drop some 27k icicles, that's insane since i can maintain this buff all the time. If interested, I can do a showcase of my Rosaria (physical, triple crowned). Add a Comment. And yeah, like the other person said, I'm using Crescent Pike 😅 For the Cryo build another weapon would be better and also note that I'm not using the Cryo specific artifact sets (Just a Cryo Goblet). Thank you! I’ll invest in the reverse melt (: I'd recommend reverse melt with kaeya xiangling and Bennett. Since Rosaria and Raiden are both in the Adult Spear-wielders so they would naturally share their weapon summon animation. even at C0 he gives 40% physical damage and 25% attack speed, but Mika will most likely always run with Eula, so Eula mains will get him C6 eventually, you cant compare the premium physical support with Rosaria. I never really specialized early on, so I have lots of people halfway. That is what life in Mondstadt is all about, isn't it?"…Rosaria gives you crit rate, Mika gives you a bit of attack speed and a really small amount of physical dmg without C6 but, Mika deals no damage at all, Rosaria does lmao. Add a post About Community Community dedicated to the Genshin Impact character Rosaria Created Feb 18, 2021 5 Members 1 Online Moderators Moderator list hidden. And the game is already easy and boring with his C5. Hi, i've been playing the current abyss phase with this lineup: - Rosaria [My Main on this team] - Shenhe [Support for Rosaria, contributes atleast 25% of the total dps of the team] - Mona [Damage buffer from omen, holds TTDS] - Kazuha [only got 554 EM, lacking for the bonus elemental damage]Over all both are good, Crescent Pike can be use on FUTURE dps char while dragonspine only for Rosaria or next cryo spear. Rosaria's unique take on this prayer ritual: First, she swings her weapon to slash surrounding opponents; then, she summons a frigid Ice Lance that strikes the ground. Really should be using a crit rate circlet with that crit ratio, but phys rosaria just isnt. 710 votes, 14 comments. First, I heard online that despite being the best physical support, Mika is still bad. It would need to be bitter gourd to opposite Barbara but Rosaria enjoys. There should have been more feedback when she was still in beta when there was still a realistic chance for a change back. 2. Build & Artifact Team Ascension Last updated: 2023-06-10 21:48:27 Rosaria Overview This Page provides the Best Rosaria Build information. I built her as hybrid ( mainly physical) since I always have her on the field. Report Save. Hi, I have a hyper invested rosaria that I've been playing basically since her release and have only been playing her cryo but I decided to play physical for once and I was dropping 8-10k. Rosaria is a good option in Freeze and Mono Cryo teams: she provides high personal damage, great particle generation, and CRIT Rate share, while also being a fantastic 4pc NO user. Anyways, I wanted to break down what we saw in the cutscene and how it relates to Rosaria and her backstory. Polearm charges is specific, and not everybody like it. level 80/80, 86% crit rate 154% crit dmg. Diona (Healer/Shield and Cryo resonance) Weapon: Lvl 80 Recurve Bow. She got 240 EM from spiral abyss buff and 200 EM from C2 Kazuha which made her melt so strong. Bennett c6, Festering Desire, 4nob. i dont have ayato but i gathered by testing him at the test run in the game that he is more of an on field main dps since just using his E requires him to be on field for a while to fully use his skill. Use White Tassel, you at least get the crit Rate bonus. Both actions deal Cryo damage. Crescent pike is better if your rosaria stays on field longer (Main DPS). Eula will be Main DPS in most of the situation. Here is the team build for my Rosaria. ago. i see, tysm!! awgawshdangit • 2 yr. She also holds a Cryo Vision. 30. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm largely ok in terms of artifact sets and substats, but I'm struggling to pick which weapon to use on which build, so I would like to get. i have her on c6 (i’m f2p), but she’s lvl. User account menu. With cryo resonance, it’ll give a huge crit buff to him. In general,. so the echoes set is a little weird right now. 1 comment. Favionous is better for the most part since ideally Rosaria wants to stack crit to help her buff the main dps. Rosaria is obviously your main DPS here. 1 comment. Hot New Top. Mona is C0, Fav Codex R5, 2pc HoD 2pc Noblesse with 6/6/7 talents. This video is sponsored by Skillshare!The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Edit. it’s very effective crowd control, & it wouldn’t be possible without the pulsation damage of Rosaria’s ult. Animation change. Report Save. Not only can increase the party’s DPS by using the Elemental Skill and Elemental. Also, Rosaria may become a good reactor for Hu Tao, since her ult, coming from the leaks, will apply cryo constantly. Posted by 27 days ago. rosaria (main dps - 2 glad, 2 BC with crescent pike) fischl + beidou (sub dps, provides electro for superconduct, electro resonance gives the whole team energy, beidou's Q at c2+ provides aoe damage, fischl's E provides single target damage) healer (ideally bennett but I don't actually have him) 5 FatalElegy • 2 yr. Sara uses skill/burst, rosaria skill deal some damage until superconduct def down. The 1. 1612 primos and counting, gonna try to get a few or atleast one rosaria then save the rest for either Eula or The electro archon. I currently main Eula (with Kaeya C2 as a support and Bennett C3 + Xiangling C5 for buff/melt) I have Rosaria at C5 and don’t use her at all. Rosaria back in 1. ago. B) supporter (bennett) using Noblesse . See full list on keqingmains. Depends, if you want sub dps go for catch, but if you want physical main dps, definitely crescent pike as dragonspine and crescent have a big gap between the damage rosaria does with them. Thoughts on my Rosaria cryo support build? Do you have any cryo damage bonus? Yes. Toxic-ity. Hot New Top Rising. I'd consider Chongyun instead of Ganyu so there's a claymore in the mix but I don't think he's better. 44. Found the internet! 110. Any other polearm with atk%, energy recharge, or a crit stat is probably good on her, depending on the artifact set you're using. While active, the Ice Lance periodically releases a blast of cold air, dealing Cryo damage to surrounding opponents. I have been 36 staring abyys since 2. Rosaria Cosplay by AlixxRosa (self) Rosaria is a 4-star Cryo Polearm character that can be played in multiple different teams, the most notable of which being Reverse Melt, Freeze and as a general support. Rosaria: Rosaria is the most ideal Cryo unit for this team, providing constant Cryo application for Superconduct, high off-field damage, team CRIT Rate, and Physical RES Shred at C6. Achinthyav • 2 yr. And while i dont realy know much about her fate must have been signaling me because i. But it is. level 1. Rosaria’s Skills and Burst can Melt every hit, making Xiangling’s Pyro application very valuable for Rosaria’s damage. she doesnt really need so much ER, if that's just your substats then hey good job, but I feel like your sands are ER, if that's the case I highly suggest swapping them to ATK%. Seems like Physical DPS Rosaria, Zhong for protection shred + shield, Bennett for healattack buff, and either Fishl or Beidou for super conduct. Jade spear will have a higher attack so it will be a better support option, but not the best support option. Share. Both actions deal Cryo DMG. Share. Rosaria Model Change (Before and After) If the current version was how they introduced her from the beginning it would have been totally fine. Whatever that means 😂😂. I'm stuck between either my R3 Pike or my R2 Skyward Spine. 6. Choose whatever CRIT main stat that helps you balance a 1:2 ratio, and take substats into consideration as well. i Have C2 Rosaria and i was planning doing a Cryo Infusion build with Chongyun and Mona for Freeze ( i do not have xingqiu yet, sadly ), using the blizzard set, for weapon i was thinking about use the White Tassel R5 ( with this, the set and the ressonance i would be with like 75%. Rosaria is a versatile character who can fill either the main DPS and sub DPS role should the situation require it. Maybe they're going to design. If ever would we to decide to go down a different path, we shouldn't decline our older selves for that which the. the set over performed on Zhongli (making it really good for physical zhongli builds) and under performed on Ayato (making HoD or Glad better for him). More extensive testing is in progress. My Rosaria is C6 lvl90, but her talents are virtually untouched (working on it today). so. Builds. But I have Kokomi for example and I don't regret getting her at all. And I'm finally happy with the build. 1 comment. report. Ah small note: She can be a supporter or sub dps since her Q does quite a lot and her c6 can. Fullscreen. So Kaeya does more!10 subscribers in the Rosaria_Mains community. my thought process was to use Ganyu's ult to allow Rosaria to take advantage of the Draginspine spear, and while Rosaria's ult is up, switch to Ganyu and get the bonus crit rate. But I'd advise to give the catch to Xiangling if you have her on the other team otherwise rosaria can keep it. Sorry for the upload delay guys, a lot of ppl asked about Rosaria, so I made Rosaria. ago. If you're hellbent on making a superconduct comp. people calculated the actual chances of proc-ing the set effect and compared it to a lot of real life data and found some interesting things. Main Page: 📄️ Rosaria A sister of the church, though you wouldn't know it if it weren't for her attire. Rosaria holding a glass of wine (@linalal_) Vote. Crescent for physical because Crescent is OP and I have no idea what did MiHoYo smoke when letting that THING through testing. Add a Comment. Either way, the reason you came here was looking for Eula. Rosaria on 4 Blizz, Venti on VV, Chongyun on 4NO, Kokomi on 4TotM, and TToDS. gg/beidoumains. Rosaria c6, Dbane, 4EoSF.